- Confused? Need some help?, - Confused? Need some help? Consult the online help page to find a remedy to your problem.,worldtripping,world tripping,cycle around world,bike around world,bicycle around world,cycle rtw,bike rtw,bicycle rtw,cycle europe,bike europe,bicycle europe,cycle africa,bike africa,bicycle africa,brighton,cape town,overland,brighton cape town overland,uk,sa,overland,uk sa,uk sa overland,coast to coast, coast to coast overland,help,help page, - Confused? Need some help?, - Confused? Need some help? Consult the online help page to find a remedy to your problem.,worldtripping,world tripping,cycle around world,bike around world,bicycle around world,cycle rtw,bike rtw,bicycle rtw,cycle europe,bike europe,bicycle europe,cycle africa,bike africa,bicycle africa,brighton,cape town,overland,brighton cape town overland,uk,sa,overland,uk sa,uk sa overland,coast to coast, coast to coast overland,help,help page, - Confused? Need some help?, - Confused? Need some help? Consult the online help page to find a remedy to your problem.,worldtripping,world tripping,cycle around world,bike around world,bicycle around world,cycle rtw,bike rtw,bicycle rtw,cycle europe,bike europe,bicycle europe,cycle africa,bike africa,bicycle africa,brighton,cape town,overland,brighton cape town overland,uk,sa,overland,uk sa,uk sa overland,coast to coast, coast to coast overland,help,help page,

All the way 'Home'. Help Help-page - A font of information.
So you need some help do you? Hopefully, you will find all the information you need to answer your questions here Smile, help is at hand..

Right, the site is essentially split into the trips that we have taken, and our latest news.
So far, we have only completed one long trip, and that was our attempt to cycle Africa.
Since then we have travelled around Morocco, and taken our first falls whilst learning to snowboard.
As usual with traveling though, we are already planning our next adventure.
Our news is just that, a brief chronological list of where we are and what we are up to.

Navigation of the site can sometimes be a bit daunting. Do not fear, it is quite straightforward.
On each page there is descriptive text and an accompanying icon (in the blue wave bit in the center of the screen). Clicking on either will take you to where the text suggests.
At the top of the screen are some un-labelled icons. These are the website toys.
The website 'toys are all the cool stuff that you can do from this site, such as chat or send Internet postcards to your mates. Our links directory has a wealth of information about all sorts of things. Feel free to sign our guestbook, or you might just want to download some new wallpaper for your computer's desktop. If you do find a question unanswered, or just have an opinion about our site, then do not hesitate to contact us.

Hint : If you hover the mouse pointer over ANYTHING on the site, a bit of descriptive text will appear to help you.
BIG Hint : If you are finding the text a little too small, and uncomfortable to read; and if you are using 'Internet Explorer'; then you can increase the font size by firstly selecting 'View', then choosing 'Text Size' from the drop-dowm-menu, then choosing a size option.

Now for some further detail about our trips, just in case you are still confused.
Our first big trip, Cycling Africa is an attempt to document our trip by bicyle across the African continent. It is split into seven parts, and covers everything from the equipment we took, to journals and photographs from our time away.
The first option is a little bit of information about us. There is an esoteric rambling about why we chose to do this. Then we attempt to answer some 'frequently asked questions'.
Next comes our journal. This bit contains selected writings from the road.
Then there are our photos. This section contains selected images from off the road.
The equipment is self explanatory. It is the equipment that we elected to carry with us on our journey. We have also tried to include some post expedition comments as to the reliability and usefulness of what we took.
The route page shows the way we travelled. It bears no resemblance to the route we palnned, but hey, that's travelling
The sponsors page lists all of the kind people who helped with preparation, gifts and assistance, both before we departed and during our travels.
Finally, we list all of the jabs that we had before and after leaving the UK.
The Moroccan Tales are a few vignettes after spending a few months travelling around the cities and souks of Morocco.
Our Snowboarding section contains tales of beer and falling in the snow (not necessarily in that order). Maybe in a few years it'll have some cool photos in it.
Our next big trip will be our next adventure. At the moment it is still in the mental discussion phase. Who knows where we will end up, and how we will get there.

Now for some information about all the Website 'Toys'.
To Contact us, simply fill in the on-screen boxes. You will be prompted to supply any information that you have left blank. When the message has been sent to us, you will be directed to a 'Confirmation' screen. In the unlikely event of an error, you will be informed, and another method of contacting us will be presented.
To read the Guest-Book should be straightforward. To sign our Guest-Book, click the add text, and a screen with a load of empty boxes will appear. Complete them to the best of your ability. Once again, you will be prompted to supply any missing information. When your new post has been accepted and processed, you will be directed back to the Guest-Book to see what you have done. You will be made aware of any errors. Hint : You may need to press function key F5 to refresh the page.
Our Links directory is a growing beast. Feel free to just follow the links to your hearts desire. We would however welcome any suitable additions. To send us a suggestion, click the add text, and another screen with empty fields will appear. Again, complete them. Again, you will be prompted to supply any missing information. Once again, on successful completion and processing a Confirmation page will appear. Again, in the unlikely event of a Server Error, another way of suggesting links will be presented.
The Chat-Room has prompted a few questions. Here is a quick guide.
Log In - Type a suitable name in the Chat Name box, and click the Login button. The Chat-Room will now appear.
Chat - Type your comment in the white box at the bottom of the screen. Click Send. This will post your comment to the room, preceded by your chosen chat name.
Our Postcards are free, (for non-commercial use) and are for you to send to all and sundry. To preview what will be sent, click on an image, and a full sized version of the small image that you clicked will appear on a new screen. It is this larger image that will be sent to whoever you choose as a recipient. Then, simply complete all of the empty white boxes and press send. Again you will be directed to a Confirmation page when processing has finished, or less likely a Server Error page. (If you consistently get a Server Error anywhere from this site, please contact us.)
The Wallpapers are free for non-commercial use too. Look through all of the images presented onscreen, make your choice and then click on the size of image that you wish to download. (At the moment the only available resolutions are 800x600 or 1024x768.) The desired image at the resolution of your choice will then magically appear in a new browser window. Once the image has finished downloading in this new window, position the mouse cursor somewhere over the image, depress the right mouse button and select Save Picture As. You can then save it to a location of your choice on your computer. Perhaps easier would be to select Set As Wallpaper if your Operating System and Web Browser can accomodate this function.

Now for a bit of techy stuff.
The site should look OK at most resolutions, although at the moment it has been specifically designed for a screen resolution of either 640x480, 800x600 1024x768 or 1280x800 pixels.
JavaScript should definitely be turned ON. There is a little bit of code on each page that detects your screen's resolution and applies a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) as necessary. (At the moment only the CSS's for 640x480, 800x600 1024x768 and 1280x800 pixels are completed. When time and inclination appear on the horizon the other resolution possibilities will have a corresponding CSS.) There are also a few other bits of JavaScript around the site too; mainly for form field validation before server side processing.
For anyone who is concerned about leaving their e-mail address in the Guest-Book, don't be. Firstly the robots.txt file has been set to 'Disallow' crawlers and bots that scan the Internet from accessing the Guest-Book file. Secondly we will NEVER disclose or pass your e-mail address on to a third party. This second point applies also to any correspondence that you may have with us.
As far as we are aware the site looks and works OK in browsers IE4 and NN4 and above. (Browser Versions lower than IE4 and NN4 cannot apply the CSS and 'roll-over' functions used in the site.) If you know different, then tell us, remembering to include your OS, Browser Type and Version and we will endeavour to make your future viewing experience a more fulfilling one.

And that's all. Spend more than a few minutes here, and we're sure you'll find that navigation and layout become intuitive. Don't forget to get in touch if you have any comments as to how we may improve the site and ultimately your viewing enjoyment!
Have fun!
'Back' to the previous page. All the way 'Home'.

Copyright (C) 2002 - 2008 by Simon John Green and Leah Simone Ingham -
All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means) without written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Any unauthorised act in this respect may lead to legal proceedings, including a civil claim for damages. is not responsible for the content of external web pages.