- France travel photographs and photo essays.,WorldTripping - Simon and Leah tour France by bicycle. See the France travel photographs. Peruse the online travel photos. It's all about cycling in and around France and traveling by bike.,worldtripping,world tripping,simon,leah,simon green,leah ingham,cycle europe,bike europe,bicycle europe,brighton,cape town,overland,brighton cape town overland,uk,sa,overland,uk sa,uk sa overland,coast to coast, coast to coast overland,cycle france,bike france,bicycle france,travel france,traveling france,traveling france,travel photographs france,travel photos france,cycle touring,bike touring,bicycle touring,cycle travel,bike travel,bicycle travel,cycle traveling,bike traveling,bicycle traveling,publishing,publishing online,travelogue,online travelogue,travel photos,travel photos online,travel photographs,travel photographs online, - France travel photographs and photo essays.,WorldTripping - Simon and Leah tour France by bicycle. See the France travel photographs. Peruse the online travel photos. It's all about cycling in and around France and traveling by bike.,worldtripping,world tripping,simon,leah,simon green,leah ingham,cycle europe,bike europe,bicycle europe,brighton,cape town,overland,brighton cape town overland,uk,sa,overland,uk sa,uk sa overland,coast to coast, coast to coast overland,cycle france,bike france,bicycle france,travel france,traveling france,traveling france,travel photographs france,travel photos france,cycle touring,bike touring,bicycle touring,cycle travel,bike travel,bicycle travel,cycle traveling,bike traveling,bicycle traveling,publishing,publishing online,travelogue,online travelogue,travel photos,travel photos online,travel photographs,travel photographs online, - France travel photographs and photo essays.,WorldTripping - Simon and Leah tour France by bicycle. See the France travel photographs. Peruse the online travel photos. It's all about cycling in and around France and traveling by bike.,worldtripping,world tripping,simon,leah,simon green,leah ingham,cycle europe,bike europe,bicycle europe,brighton,cape town,overland,brighton cape town overland,uk,sa,overland,uk sa,uk sa overland,coast to coast, coast to coast overland,cycle france,bike france,bicycle france,travel france,traveling france,traveling france,travel photographs france,travel photos france,cycle touring,bike touring,bicycle touring,cycle travel,bike travel,bicycle travel,cycle traveling,bike traveling,bicycle traveling,publishing,publishing online,travelogue,online travelogue,travel photos,travel photos online,travel photographs,travel photographs online,

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Trips - Cycling Across Africa - France Photographs.
France Photographs.
The Pont at Briare, one of the longest and oldest viaducts in Europe; as boats glide by above, lorries thunder underneath. The Pont at Briare, one of the longest and oldest viaducts in Europe; as boats glide by above, lorries thunder underneath.
Sunrise at La Guerche sur l'Aubois, and the dawning of another roasting French summer's day. Sunrise at La Guerche sur l'Aubois, and the dawning of another roasting French summer's day.
This photo is available as a Web Postcard.
Apremont sur Allier and its Chateau. It is listed as one of 'France's Prettiest Villages'. It is definitely one of the most deserted. Apremont sur Allier and its Chateau. It is listed as one of 'France's Prettiest Villages'. It is definitely one of the most deserted.
Crossing the Loire at Moulins. Crossing the Loire at Moulins.
This photo is available as a Web Postcard and as Desktop Wallpaper.
Enjoying the down hill rides on the road to Thiers; a town famed for its hand carved knives. Enjoying the down hill rides on the road to Thiers; a town famed for its hand carved knives.
After a punishing climb, we stop to admire the view over the hills of the Livradois National Park. After a punishing climb, we stop to admire the view over the hills of the Livradois National Park.
We eat chocolatebutter rolls after a rollercoaster descent to the pretty village of Olliergues. We eat chocolatebutter rolls after a rollercoaster descent to the pretty village of Olliergues.
Only another 6km to go to reach the 1400m summit of La Chaise-Dieu. Only another 6km to go to reach the 1400m summit of La Chaise-Dieu.
Simon looking nonchalant; we both collapsed shortly after this photo. Simon looking nonchalant; we both collapsed shortly after this photo.
We thought we had reached La Puy-en-Velay. We thought we had reached La Puy-en-Velay. If you know where we were, please e-mail us.
This photo is available as a Web Postcard.
The impressive statues a-top rocky outcrops in Le Puy-en-Velay. The impressive statues a-top rocky outcrops in Le Puy-en-Velay.
This photo is available as a Web Postcard.
Are we nearly there yet? Are we nearly there yet?
We spent three consecutive days crossing this high moorland plateau before dropping spectacularly into the Ardeche valley. We spent three consecutive days crossing this high moorland plateau before dropping spectacularly into the Ardeche valley.
Distant villages revealed by sunlight, dot our passage over the moors. Distant villages revealed by sunlight, dot our passage over the moors.
Kissing France goodbye; Marseille at dusk. Kissing France goodbye; Marseille at dusk.
This photo is available as Desktop Wallpaper.
Along the way, we met many creatures. Along the way, we met many creatures. If anyone can identify this beastie, then please e-mail us.
Click to read the France Journal.
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Before here we were in the UK. After here we were in Corsica.
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